Annual symposium 2023

August 15, 2023

Registration and abstract submission for the 4th Annual meeting at DSEV is now open.

The fourth annual meeting of the Danish Society of Extracellular Vesicles will take place on:

Thursday, 5th of October 2023, from 9 – 18 at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense).

Please register

Registration for the symposium is linked to a DSEV membership, and the payment of the membership fee of 200 DKK will grant you voting access to the DSEV General Assembly, which takes place during the Annual Symposium. This fee also covers breakfast, coffee, and lunch at the Annual Symposium. However, if you want to participate in the evening dinner at 7 pm, it will cost an additional 100 DKK. Please pay the fees to DSEVs bank account: reg no. 9070 account no. 2075432421. Please include the name(s) when you transfer the money. For group payment, please contact Anne Borup (email Anne Borup:


To promote networking across institutions, you are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract, including abstracts presented at other events. All abstracts will be reviewed and selected for oral or poster presentation (please indicate your preference during abstract submission).

Please see the guidelines and download the template from the DSEV homepage, where you can also submit your abstract.


  • Deadline for abstract submission September 4th, 2023

  • Registration closes September 15th, 2023.

  • Notification on submitted abstracts September 19th, 2023